Monday, September 2, 2013

But I want to!

My significant other and I are both journalists. That means we're really in-tune with observing emotions and are aces when it comes to open communication. Right? Nah.

Today I tried something new. Mountain biking. He thought I didn't want to. I did. He was happily surprised. It was great. I got muddy. Like, really muddy. Now we have a new “couple hobby.”

It's strange how perceptions are often – okay almost always – so wrong. I like being in the woods, I like getting covered in dirt on very rare occasion. In the end he was very proud of my awesome biking skills too. Seriously, I was pretty surprised.

And that's the other thing – I was terrified of trying it at first. It seems like such a “dude” sport. I like to throw around a ball or stretch my body in seemingly unimaginable ways, but the idea of hurdling around trees on a hunk of metal didn't seem like the greatest of ideas. Hearing the man talk of bumps and bruises, branches and bugs (there were a TON of those. Ick) didn't help either. I was really unsure. I'm admittedly quite chick-y, so there's that, and wasn't sure how my bosses would respond to me trying to type with a broken arm. But all was well, I stuck to the easy trails, a great decision because, you know, the whole broken arm thing.

It was fun. I'm glad I tried something new and that he wanted me to. Opening the door to even tiny things like this can be a great couple accomplishment.

Safety first kids


  1. Cool :) Good for you, girl...! I'm not sure if I will EVER try that sport out ;- ) But I'm sure it was a blast....!

  2. Thanks! It was tough and I was sweaty and gross, but it was great. And I learned that little roots are ok, big roots are scary :)
